
Home at last.

I'm now a citizen of Atlanta, GA. Yes, I felt that was worth bolding. Thursday James and I drove up...he drove the truck, and I followed in the Focus, listening to crunk the entire way. I was really scared I'd lose him, that someone would get between us and I'd get lost, so I ended up riding his ass the entire way, and driving very defensively. We got here safely.

Almost as soon as we pulled up, Robley and Mary Anne came down to help us unpack the vehicles. Seeing as how my parents recently enlightened me on their moving to Mobile to take care of my grandparents ASAP, I had to bring as much of my belongings as possible.

When we finally brought all the stuff up, James (who's been really sick with a vicious cold) went to bed. I was sitting there, trying to decide what to do (go to bed? try to unpack?) when Josh walked in (on me undressing, no less). He announced that he was just changing, b/c he was about to go to MJQ, a local club. The first time we came to Atlanta to hunt for apartments, a bunch of us tried to go to MJQ, and everyone but me and Adam got in...b/c we're not yet 21. However, on Thursdays it's all-ages night, so I was able to go after all. I got ready really quickly, and we left. However, when we got there, the bouncer wouldn't even check the guest list (which we were all supposed to be on, courtesy of my friend deeyaying that night), so it was going to be $10 to get in. In my rush, I hadn't even thought to bring money, since Josh had said we'd get in for free. Luckily for me, a guy overheard me talking to someone about how I had just moved from Alabama that day, and apparently knew a guy who got me in for free. After I was let in, the guy came up and told me he was from Alabama, too (hence him going out of his way for me, I guess). I love Atlanta.

I met a pretty cute guy named Steven, and ended up hanging out with/being entertained by for the rest of the evening. He bought me a drink, we danced to some electroclash, and talked a lot. At the end of the evening, he asked me if I wanted to go hang out at his house (at 3:45 in the morning). I was dead tired and just wanted to go home, take a bath, and climbed into bed, and told him so. He asked at least once more, chatted with Josh about going skating sometime, and then left. He said something else, to which I replied that Josh had his number, so I'd just give him a call sometime and we'd hang out. Really, it was a nice ego boost to have this cute, seemingly super sweet guy hitting on me my first night in Atlanta, even if I didn't take him up on it. Jason and I were talking about how Josh has a crush on (Steven's roomate) Erica, and I said it would be funny if he ended up hooking up with Erica, and I with Steven, b/c they're roomates, and so are Josh and I. Immediately Jason let me in on how big a cuntfacebag Steven is to girls. Oh, go figure. Would that not be my luck, or what?

To my credit, I went out the following evening with a big group of people to a humongous party, then to a bar/club...but it sucked. Last night James, Jason, Robley, and I went to see I, Robot...which was great. I really hadn't wanted to see it (as much as I love Will Smith, he just hasn't been the greatest actor in drama), but was very pleasantly surprised. It rocked, and I think that was Will Smith's best acting to date. I was impressed. When we got back last night, we all hung out for a while, then everybody left, so it was just me and James. We did some necessary shopping @ Kroger, then came home (don't you love that word?), unloaded the groceries, cleaned the kitchen, set up the dvd player, vcr, and tv, and cuddled and watched Detroit Rock City. In all, it was a pretty great evening.

We didn't really get out of bed until about 5 today, due us both taking cold medicine last night. Robley came over (while I was still in my towel, yessss!) and we made plans for me, him, and Adam to go see Anchorman tonight. I've really wanted to hang out with Adam, but haven't had the chance to, so I was looking forward to it. So Adam gets off work tonight..then decides he just doesn't want to go after all. Love it. On the upside, James, Robley, and I hung out, ate spaghetti, and watched part of Big Fish together, which was fun. I love hanging out, what can I say. James attacked me the minute Robley went outside to smoke a cigarette, which was fun, too (it's good when you're not always the one making the first move, you know?). Tonight we were all supposed to go to this girl Cleo's apartment and drink and play board games, but since James is so tired and I'm going job hunting in the morning, we bowed out. You've now been updated.

Also, can I just say how rad it is that I had mail the day I got here? Thank you, Misty! That was incredibly sweet, and made me super happy.

And I'm going to bed/go bother James.

aigre-douce at 11:24 p.m.

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