
Job hunting in the ATL

Today and yesterday Josh and I have gone job hunting. I applied for the cafe barista job at Borders across from Lenox, which I'll hopefully get. When we were at the club the other night, Bethy introduced me to one of the Urban Outfitters managers. I told him I was looking for a job, and he told me to come by. Yesterday I went to get an application, and he saw me and came over. We chatted a bit (he's very friendly), and he told me when I came back, to make sure to ask to see him, so he could make sure I got the job (or help me out as much as possible). I've worked really hard on getting a job (or two), actually. There's a cafe down the road that I really want to work at, but apparently there's a waiting list from another restaurant of ppl that want to work there, so.....Here's hoping I get the barista job.

Apparently I have picked up James's cold/flu. I feel horrible. My throat is always itchy and wanting to produce multiple coughs. Really, I could do without it. I feel really weak, too.

And while I'm complaining, let's just mention the open sores on the tops of my feet from the shoes I wore today. Fuck dressing nicely to go job hunting, man. I wore these white sandals with heels, nice jeans, and a cute white button-up cotton short sleeved shirt today. Those shoes apparently are on a homicide mission. Too bad they didn't come with a warning. Yesterday I wore the same jeans, a nice black top and black heels, but those heels didn't hurt my feet at all. Gahhhh.

I can't decide if I want to party tonight, or stay in and rest. I'll probably make plans to go party, and then end up staying in and resting. Again.

Grosses bises, Lauren

aigre-douce at 7:15 p.m.

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