
Just when you thought it would never happen to you...

Before I post the following entry, I would like to share something interesting that happened to me at work today.

If you'll recall, one of the Javaology owners is a guy named Morgan. I'd say that we get along pretty well. I always look forward to working with Morgan because I feel comfortable around him and I enjoy his brand of humor. I just really like the guy. He's fun. If I'd gone to high school with the guy, I probably would have harbored a huge secret crush on him. However, it turns out that he's about ten years older than me, my manager, and married to a beautiful woman that I happen to really like.

Today while we were working, Morgan very nonchalantly mentions being surprised about finding blogs mentioning the shop when he Googled Javaology recently. I momentarily froze, turned, and busied myself with my back to him a bit. He then goes on to say that there's one that's definitely by an employee (to which I commented, "How interesting."), grins, and then teases me by saying, "Yes, and they seem to know our friend Lee well, too." If you've read my past two entries, you already know who he's talking about. I blushed furiously and coughed a bit, then just gave up and started laughing. I pleaded guilty since it was obvious he knew it was me. He actually commended me on the fact that I do blog, and we talked about it a bit. It was an interesting exchange.

It didn't bother me that I was found out, but I will say I was taken by surprise. I mean, imagine that from time to time you pour your heart out on to something, it's an immediate portal to who you really are, and what you really think about things, and someone you've only recently met and are trying to positively impress stumbles upon it. It's like a presentation you're not ready to give, and are prematurely called on to present. Just kind of a shock, and something I was completely unprepared for. While it's funny (thank God I don't write every single thing I think, ha), I feel kind of exposed now. Oh well. Next paragraph.

Yesterday at work was interesting. I ended up working two hours extra than originally expected. It was also my first time working with Liberty, which was interesting. She's a really sweet girl, but something about her just irked me. I'm chalking it up to the fact that I was already irritable yesterday. I hate feeling like that, especially since I have no idea really what bothered me about her. Hopefully I won't feel the same way next time I see her . . . and if I do, perhaps then I'll know why.

I really do have amazing managers. I mean, for starters, the coffeeshop is pretty nice all by itself (with customers until 11:00 pm to prove it), but I think the people that manage it is what really makes it so great. This is not the best example, but it stood out to me: At the end of the evening, we were splitting the tips up. It turned out to be $21 cut four ways, giving each person $5 something. I don't believe I showed any emotion one way or the other about this, but when Willis was given his tips, he gave them to me. Liberty had already left for the evening, and I was taken very pleasantly by surprise. It meant a lot to me, especially since I need the money right now.

After work, Lee and I went to MJQ. MISTAKE. Never again will I walk through those doors on a Wednesday night. Completely different crowd and music, neither of which I particularly liked. While I enjoyed hanging out with Lee, I was happy to get home and crawl in to bed.

Today I woke up with James angry at me. He'd taken it upon himself to take all the trash out, and apparently I let the trash in the kitchen get too stuffed. I would have gladly taken the trash out myself, especially since I'm the one who allowed it to get to such proportions, but instead of thinking that far, he just yelled at me and threatened to break my hands if it happened again. He actually has never touched me when he's been angry, so I'm not worried about it, but the fact that I was physically threatened first thing in the morning definitely did not lend itself to me sleeping in. He was also angry because he couldn't find his wallet, which I'd moved by accident. I had to use his card at the ATM the other night, and when I got his card out, I put it in plain view instead of stuffing the wallet back into the pocket of his jeans (which were just lying around). He grabbed his keys and the trash, and left. I'd originally assumed he'd grabbed his keys just to have them, or to get back into the building. However, when he wasn't back 45 minutes later, I realized he'd just left to just get away by himself, and hadn't felt the need to tell me where he was headed. I actually embraced him being away so that I could get things done around the apartment without bothering him or being distracted in any way.

Of course, as soon as I got really into cleaning, Willis called me in to work. I jumped at the chance to get more hours, and was really eager to go to work. Then I realized that not only was James still gone, but he'd left his cell phone here (his charger wasn't working), and I had no way of getting in touch with him. Thankfully, Lee didn't mind walking me to work (Boulevard makes me a little nervous).

I arrived at work about 10 minutes after 1 pm, and got off work around 8 pm. I'm really glad I've had the chance to get so many hours in this week. I worked with Michael for about an hour, and then Cameron came in around 6, so we were finally able to work together. Cameron's a really awesome guy, and I enjoyed working with him. It was a pretty nice workday.

James picked me up after work, and made up for earlier with little things that mean a lot. We had another row when we got home and found that Liger had dragged things of mine off of the bathroom counter and onto the floor; "Maybe you should put your shit away if you don't want him chewing on it!" "I was putting everything away when I was called in to work!!", and then made up after I took a short nap. The rest of the evening I've just enjoyed the time to relax.

Time for bed.

aigre-douce at 12:43 a.m.

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