
Money Money Money

Money Money Money

So I've found the error in my paycheck. It is to the tune of $165.33. I babysit for my boss, W. sometimes, and when I do so, I am paid like I am on the clock at work. I get paid for babysitting on my paycheck instead of with a personal check or cash. This suits me fine as I get paid $7.75 an hour for hanging out with two adorable kids in a beautiful house. However, they forgot to tally that into my latest paycheck, which I received yesterday. I figured this all out today, and was relieved to know I hadn't actually made less money than I thought, but had just not been fully paid. I didn't call the shop to tell them of the error because of yesterday's drama. I thought I would just give W. time to calm down before I hit him up for some money.

However, today James and I were laying in bed watching Se7en when W.'s wife, S. called me, asking if I could babysit this evening. Needing the money (and lacking the ability to say no), I agreed. A few minutes later, W. called and asked me if they'd forgotten to pay me for babysitting on my last check; S. was worried about it. I told him that indeed they had, and he said they'd take care of that right away. He didn't say anything about yesterday, but I am assuming he's somewhat over it.

On a different note, my friend Lee is leaving Atlanta. This makes me very sad, but I'm somewhat comforted by the fact that he's taking nothing but his clothing and money, and is giving me anything I want of his, to include an aqua refridgerator from the 1950s. I plan on using it for Magnetic Poetry and as a bookshelf. I will miss Lee dearly, but I'm excited about these new things.

Now I have to go shower. Ciao!

aigre-douce at 4:59 p.m.

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