
It's Sunday, and I'm Off!

It's Sunday, and I'm Off!

Last night wasn't too bad. I was wary of how W. would act, given what all happened Friday, but he didn't even mention it. I think he was still kind of annoyed, but oh well. Before they left, W. asked me if I wanted to work this morning. I looked him straight in the eyes and without blinking told him I had plans. "All day?" "Yep." "Yikes! Guess I'll have to call someone else in." I was very proud of myself. Why? Because I ALWAYS get suckered into working at the last minute on days that I'm supposed to be off. I know I've told them I want 40 hours a week, and I do, but that doesn't mean I should be on call 24/7, does it? I like working, but I also like knowing in advance when I'm working so I can (*gasp!*) have somewhat of a life outside work, and make plans to do other things.

This morning my cousin Lloyd and I are going out for brunch. I'm excited. I haven't seen Lloyd since he started working in Florida during the week, nor have I had the chance to talk to him. James is sick, so he's staying in bed all day. Since for once I actually had two days off in a row (on the weekend, no less), and money, I wanted to take us to Underground Atlanta this weekend and/or Six Flags, since we still have our season passes. When you're sick, you're sick, I guess.

Off to get ready.

aigre-douce at 9:19 a.m.

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