
Two months' worth of chitchat

It's been two months since my last update. In the meantime, James and I have put our relationship on hiatus, kissed other people, then gotten back together. A lot of craziness went on during that period, but let's not revisit that. Suffice it to say that we've both done a lot of growing up, and are much happier with our lives now.

We celebrated our two year anniversary of dating on June 1st, 2005 by staying home for a change and cooking dinner together. It was very sweet. Two days later we celebrated my 21st birthday. For my birthday James gave me a very useful $100 gift card to Sephora as well as some makeup primer I'd wanted. That evening, James took me to a very nice French restaurant, and afterwards we had cake with a few of our friends. On June 4th it was James' 25th birthday, which was a lot of fun. We met some people at Cafe Intermezzo (my favorite spot in Atlanta), and that night we went to go see The Blood Brothers, courtesy of Josh, who got tickets for us for our birthdays. Having never seen The Blood Brothers before, I was a bit disappointed when they weren't exactly what I had in mind, but it was neat when I saw one of the members after the show, and he interrupted a conversation he was having to compliment me on my shirt and ask me where I got it. After the show James and I were supposed to have this big birthday party at the coffeeshop, but only a few people showed up, and we sat around, drank, smoked cigarettes, and chatted at the shop instead. Despite the fact that it's not what we'd planned, it was still fun and a nice way to end the evening.

This past Tuesday I had my third court appearance . . . this time, the judge finally decided to show up. I was able to plead no contest to the charges I received in February, when I totalled James' car, and had to pay a fine of $153, but no points will be put on my license. I'm glad that's over with. The next day, this past Wednesday I had my first-ever dental work done. I had a cavity and I had to get it filled. It was quite a large cavity, and two days later, my head still hurts from it. I'm just glad it's fixed.

In the past few months, I have become a lot more self-confident. I'm much lower maintenance, and I wear a whole lot less makeup, and usually go for a more natural look, as opposed to the dramatic look I had going on there for a while. I'm also letting my hair grow out for the time being. At present, I have it in a baby ponytail. I'm also chubbier than I was when we moved here a year ago (to the tune of 15 lbs), but I don't really mind all the extra, I just need to tone up.

I quit hanging out/socializing so much with Kim -from Enterprise, whom I've known since 9th grade- because I couldn't trust her, and I always felt horrible about myself when I was around her. I don't think I'll be inviting her back to Atlanta. I got to see my best friend and godmother Desiree last month for the first time in a year and a half, and that made me quite happy. She came to Atlanta for a day, and then she and I drove to Alabama, and I had the best visit I've had since I moved away from home. We were there for a few days, and then she drove me back to Atlanta, then she went back to visit some other friends in Alabama. On her way back home she dropped back by to see me, so I got to see her some more. We didn't get to see each other nearly enough, but it's okay, because I'll be visiting her in Austin, TX when she gets settled down (she just moved there).

Life at the shop is a bit different now. Since for a long time there was only four of us trying to cover ALL the shifts, new people were hired. And, surprise, surprise, I get along great with all of them! Such a nice feeling. Also, a Nigerian girl that's girl worked there for a while, we'll call her I., and I started hanging out a few months ago, and have become pretty good friends. She's awesome, and I can't imagine what Atlanta would be like without her now. What's even better about being friends with her is NOT ONLY have I never gotten the feeling that I can't trust her, but she's NEVER shady! There's only one other friend in my entire life I've had like that, and her name is Desiree. I'm very psyched about this friendship, as retarded as that sounds. She's awesome! She's one of the few people that came to both of my birthday celebrations. Speaking of the shop, everything's going very well with me and both of my managers, although I wish Willis would be out of town less often. I miss him!

This summer I've become obsessed with Star Wars, thanks to Episode Three and how suprisingly amazing it was. Oh my GOD I love that movie!! I cried so much the first time I saw it. I'm still upset that mid-movie, there's not some option where you get to vote against Anakin going to the Dark Side. I fell in love with Anakin in Episode Three, and it broke my heart when he became Vader. Go figure. The day after I saw Episode Three for the first time, I went right out and bought Episodes 4, 5, and 6 digitally remastered on DVD. Actually, I got so obsessed that for our anniversary, I bought us the Revenge of the Sith game for Xbox (it's two player . . . awww, how sweet) as well as the light up Sith vs. Jedi Xbox controllers (James has the Sith, because I am Jedi). Since we have no tv, I learned too late about Burger King having Star Wars toys, and got a few toys at the last Burker King in this area that had any toys right before I went to the dentist the other day. The girl who checked us out was so amused by me being so excited about the toys that she let me in on a little secret - the Darth Vader toy is so rare, there's only one in each container of toys - then she opened a new container of toys and pulled it out for me!! I also got Mace Windu, Boba Fett, and Obi Wan Kenobi, but that's it. I asked Mom if she's hunt the Burger Kings in that area for toys. Hopefully she finds some.

On Monday evening, James, Josh, and I got to see Batman Begins. Josh is friends with a film promoter, and she gave us free passes to the screening! I didn't think it was going to be very good, based on the previews, but then I saw it and OH MY GOD IT'S SO SO SO SOOO GOOD! It completely blew my mind! Batman has always been my favorite superhero, even if the movies have been disappointing. This movie, however, is everything the other movies should have been. It's dark and scary, and definitely not for kids, but it's so so so so so so good.

After the movie, we profusely thanked Laura, the film promoter for the passes. She kind of shrugged and was like, "Yeah, I have to see it again tomorrow . . . (sigh) It's my job." I thought that sounded like a wonderful job to have, and started asking her about how she got her job, etcetera, and had an epiphany - I'm going to go to school to become a film promoter, because that would be the best job, ever. I would LOVE that job. The only thing better than being a film promoter would being the Willy Wonka of the coffeeshop drink industry. Sadly, I can't figure out how to become that, so film promoter it is. I'M SO EXCITED!!!

Though I traditionally work Fridays, I'm off today due to a recent and accidental schedule change. While I'm stressed about not having enough hours, I'm thankful for the time off. Today James and I have to do a month's worth of laundry, and then we'll probably watch movies we have but haven't watched, and play our respective video games (after a year's hiatus, I'm working on Final Fantasies Crystal Chronicles and am very close to beating it, and he's almost Level 60 on World of Warcraft, which is as far as you can get). I'm starving and I still have a headache, so this is all for now. Hopefully I'll have time (and things to update about) to update more often.

aigre-douce at 9:44 a.m.

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