

It's 6:58in the morning, dark outside, and I'm currently alone in the coffeeshop. James is usually with me in the mornings, but this morning he stayed home since he wasn't feeling well. It's actually time for the morning rush, but it's been a slow morning so far (since we opened at 5:30 this morning). Manager W. is supposed to be joining me this morning to work (since it's Nova's day off and I'm working for Ali, the Italian lady; her last day was yesterday), but I haven't heard from him yet, and he's supposed to be here now.

Work has been hectic lately. Chanelle (who works mid mornings and evenings) has been gone a lot lately to finish up some credit hours towards her massage therapy degree or whatever. Everyone's been covering her shifts like mad lately, and it's been a bit scrambled. One day last week I opened, and Chanelle was scheduled to come in at seven. Seven-fifteen came around, and still no Chanelle (who's rarely to never late). I gave her a call, and apparently Ali was supposed to be covering for her. I called Ali (the store was packed and I was getting my as handed to me in the meantime) and she'd forgotten she was supposed to work for Chanelle . . . which meant that she (Ali) had to cancel a job interview she was supposed to go to for that day. Ali tried to get other people to come cover the shift for her, but nobody would/could, so she had to miss her interview. She put in her less than one week notice then.

Yesterday was her offical last day, and Chanelle was supposed to come in at two in the afternoon to relive her. At two on the dot, Chanelle called me to tell me she wasn't coming in. She didn't get anybody to cover for her, but she was at her other job, and decided she just wasn't going to come in. Then she told me that I would have to tell Manager W. I told her that she knew what the schedule was and that she also knew that you can't not show up unless you have someone to cover your shift, so she could call Manager W. herself, and I hung up. I was piping angry. Yesterday I was scheduled to work from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon. I got here at seven, and after a half hour, Manager W. called and told me to go home (because it was so slow) and that he would call me when he was ready for me to come back in. I gladly went home. I was so tired. Chanelle called me around 10 and asked me if I could cover part of her shift from 8-11 that evening. I told her no, because I was working already that day, and I was opening today. Then I went in to work, and of course she didn't show up for her shift (see earlier portion of paragraph), so I was stuck at the shop from 11am-7pm.

aigre-douce at 6:35 a.m.

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