

I'm at work, so I've gotta update quickly. James and I moved into the townhouse on July 30th, 31st, and August 1st. While I enjoy having all the extra space, I'm frustrated because all of the furniture that looked so cool and well put together in the loft just look like dorm furniture in the townhouse. The townhouse's predisposed look is bland and plain cookie cutter. I'm considering painting the walls to resemble the peeled paint of the brick walls at the lofts, because I just can't think of any other way to make the stuff I already have look decent in the new place. I really don't want to change all of my things to go with the plain cookie cutter look, either. I really want a roughed up antique look to the place. I have a United States Postal Service crate full of home decorating books at the house, none of which have helped me so far. I've also been reading up on feng shui to make sure I don't somehow jinx myself in teh process. I spend all of my money on things for the house; spice racks, vanity mirrors, table lamps, etcetera. It's not like I'm splurging, but I don't get paid again for a week and I'm already broke. Nice work, I know.

Another thing about the new house is that there's a crackhouse (literally) next door. I have great neighbors and a nice neighborhood, and then there's the white trash hillbilly crackheads. We've had to call the police on them twice so far, but due to their radar detector, they're never around when the police come. Bastards. James and I are attending neighborhood meetings asap (next Tuesday) to join the people who are trying to force the WTHBC (white trash hillybilly crackheads) out of the neighborhood, via a petition and a lawyer. Neither of us have really slept well since moving into the new house; James wakes up at all hours of the night to patrol the house and make sure everything's okay and safe. Last night I twisted, tossed and turned so much that my back is super sore today. I'm looking forward to napping when I get home.

We haven't had internet since we moved (the cable guy is coming today, hallelujah, so we'll have it this evening!!), so I've just been able to jump online at work to check my email quickly, and I've only worked three times this week, so . . . On that note, the Italian employee, 'A', got a new job yesterday and started work today, so I'll be working quite a lot more shifts immediately.

Atlanta is beautiful right now; bright and sunny with a breeze. I've decided that the changing of seasons is one of my favorite things in the world. If only it was always like this . . .

Speaking of it being bright and sunny, it's surprising that it's as slow in the shop as it is today; usually it's constantly busy on sunny days. Today we've had a good bit of business, but obviously, if I'm able to update my diary . . . yeah. Thankfully Manager W. is out at the moment, so it's not like I can get yelled at for this. Actually, Manager W. owes me a few favors, so I kept teasing him about picking up some sushi for me, and I gave him a list and everything. He left about thirty (?) minutes ago, and I think he actually might pick up the sushi. I can only wait in anticipation . . . and hunger. Well, that's all for now. I'll try to take a break from unpacking when I get home to update some more, though I doubt I'll actually get a change to. First order when I get home: nap time. I think James wants to see Emily Rose tonight . . . I'm pulling for Skeleton Key.

Peace out!

aigre-douce at 11:56 a.m.

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