
je voulait dormir (?)

I'm soooo tired. It's been a long week. Yesterday I turned in my paper and articles, got Kim's tattoo man to buy an ad for the paper, got rejected raher rudely by the oyster bar owner. . . was treated quite snidely by the ditz who left everything on (at the Dakota's site. . . shop should be opening this week), lights and everything, and the doors unlocked with no one there. Brilliant. On the other hand, I found out I'm the freshman nominee for Homecoming Queen (apparently the juco has theirs during basketball season, go figure) to represent the newspaper I'm on. It's really not a big deal, but as nothing has ever happened like this to me, I'm excited and happy. On the other hand, I just found out yesterday, and I definitely have to figure out who my escort is going to be by Tuesday. This wouldn't be so bad, but it MUST be a full-time student at the juco. Sigh. I know no one I would feel comfortable asking, really. I did ask Simon, and he said he would if I needed him to (as in if I couldn't find anyone else, as he's 'not really a social person'). He's not, and I know what he means, but. . . Yeah. I went by WalMart to hopefully see Eric and ask him. . . but he's sick and will be out for at least a week. Got my luck. So. . . I've no idea. Hopefully I will run into some supercool guy tonight at the show (gah!) that just happens to go to the junior college and is a sweetie. And is somewhat cute, of course, haha. JUST KIDDING! Sigh. . . I really want to talk to Elliott, but his phone is off, I don't have the money to pay my dad for a long-distance call to his room, and he's 'Away'. Actually he's "Bite my lips and close my eyes. Take me away to Paradise." Yeah, I really am "so damn bored I'm going blind". . but I smell like Victoria's Secret Love Spell. So there. Yeah. I'm so tired. I have all these great thoughts that want to get out, but my mouth is just not working today, and my fingers aren't particularly cooperative, either. It's a damn shame I don't get paid for the newspaper; I certainly have made it the epicenter of my life lately. I'm so hungry. And tired! Did I mention tired??? Lately I can't get enough sleep or caffeine. I think it's because I've been sick w/sinus stuff and also the weather is kind of ehh. It's very overcast and cold. Yesterday it rained. Yesterday I had a really good day, minus miss attitude @ Dakota's, but it's all good. Today Bethanie took Kim and I out to lunch @ Arby's, though I'm not too sure the part where she paid for MY food was intentional. . .but she did. I thought that was rather nice of her, either way. Tonight is the Forever Is Not A Wish show. Simon thought it'd be a great idea for me to interview the boys, so I have to do that and take pictures. . . it's really one of those days where I don't really want much social interaction, so I'm not looking forward to it. At all. Plus, Kim and Bethanie have an Entertainer's show while the FINAW show is going down. . . which means I'll be going solo and feeling awkward as all get-out. The girls (and Desiree!) will be showing up later, though. All I really want to do (for once) is loaf and watch tv with Desiree, preferably the Lizzie Maguire episode that's coming on, with Gordo writing her a love letter, yay. But no. Instead I get to go to a show and feel stuuuuupid, b/c I'm definitely not going out of my way to look emo, punk, or whatever else. Today I made sure to look cute b/c I was supposed to get my press pass made. . . but the camera was out of batteries. . . and I'm wearing exactly what I have on to the show. (That would be a 3/4 black low-cut square necked sweater, snug stretchy jeans, platform loafers, a rhinestone choker, big Jennifer Lopez-esque studs, and my hair in ringlets. . . I got lazy and just put gel in it this morning. . . Thankfully it is short and cute and looks can-can dancer-ish. That's my interpretation of it, anyway. It looks cute.) I have to go pack for the weekend now (Desiree's mom is out of town for the weekend, so I'm keeping her company). College, who needs it? J/k. I do love it. Anyway. Have a great weekend and thank your lucky stars you can stay in and sleep/veg out iffayawanna, b/c I envy you.

aigre-douce at 4:20 p.m.

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