
tomorrow's class, and i missed registration

Honestly, you'd think it'd get better. It certainly has not.

Yesterday I looked online and could not find any obvious announcement of when classes should start this semeseter, so I could go and register. So last night when I was at James's, I asked his brother when his first classes were (since our colleges combined, even though they're in different areas; I should've known to ask Mikey a long time ago!)......"Thursday". Meaning, I would have to register (and pay)...today! Or I could do it tomorrow, or start a day late, but. Damn, it sucks.

I would just work this semester to have some money, and save school for next semester, but Mom informed me that if I'm not in school EVERY semester, I have to pay my own medical insurance, because technically, I'm still on theirs. This is interesting to me, because I never knew I HAD insurance. Here's why: Whenever I have something wrong with me, normal people would get that checked out at the doctor, yes? Not in my family. With my dad being in the medical field, one would think that we'd have so much insurance or whatev that we could go when we needed, and not have to worry about the money. Not so, however. I have had chronic headaches for about three years now, but I still haven't been able to get that checked out. Same when I'm sick. I don't get a doctor to check me out. Generally my dad knows what medication I would need, so he has one of the doctors he knows write prescriptions, and he gets them filled. Yes, this cuts out the doctors fee, but I can't tell you the last time I've had a checkup, and I'm thinking my headaches could be gone by now if I had. At any rate, despite the fact that I obviously am not using my medical, I would lose it if I didn't attend school. Woot. Another point for the home team.

Even more good news - Speaking of doctors, James received the results of his kidney biopsy back yesterday. Apparently the military doctors misdiagnosed him a couple of years ago. They thought he had minimal change disease, but it turns out he doesn't. This would explain why NOTHING has been working. They're not sure, exactly, what it is that he has now, but it's a lot more serious. His kidneys are shrinking. He has a doctor's appointment Friday, and I guess he'll find out more then.

If you will notice, the period at the top of this page (the perks of being a girl .) is a link to James's Livejournal. So if you ever wanted to know more....hahahaha. There's a couple on diaryland that I used to really like to read. It was interesting; you read her cryptic entries, and then you read his response to that. It was interesting. It was funny to see the other half, you know?

At any rate. James and I came in last night around 2....and then sat here talking for another hour or so. I went to bed as soon as he left .... Was awakened 'this morning' by the phone. I answered it, rolled over ... Yeah, it was definitely 1 PM. I have no idea how I slept all frickin' day, that's just ridiculous. And today would be a Wednesday, so I have to go to church this evening. Meaning, I've wasted my entire day already. Because as soon as Mom and the kids get home, it's total chaos. Everyday's like that, but especially Wednesdays. Dear god. And there will be probably no James today, other than he'll drop by to say hi because he has to go to the bank here, I think. He and his mom got in a fight yesterday, and she hates me more now. She says all James does is chauffer me around. Which is not only not true, but it's also not fair. No, I don't have a car, so yes, James does drive me around. We go to his house, though. It's not like he's driving me to work or school right now (which he used to, but obviously that's not an issue right now, and I never asked him to do that,he volunteered). Yesterday we went to Dothan....because he had wanted to. So yes, he drives me around, I guess, but he sure as hell does not 'chauffer' me around. Mostly we just go to his house to hang out. But that's chauffering me, since he has to come pick me up. I am beginning to like his mom a lot less. And that's interesting, because I just started liking her at all. I don't know, something about someone hating you because you're not asian ..... I'm not a fan. But you know, I did try, and I was nice as pie to her, and made James be nice to her, too. Now, I'm not going to tell him to go easy on her. I'm tired of that shit. I'm so sorry that my parents are not financially well off enough that I don't have a car at the age of nineteen. I am absolutely certain, Mrs. O'Keefe, that that is more of inconvenience to you than it is to me. What the hell.


Yes, I did love Pulp Fiction, especially all the violence, etc, hahahha. And I didn't finish Life Is Beautiful, that's going down next. It's just like you to have gone to that town/city where that was filmed, too. I'm jealous jealous jealous.

Hope you have a great day.

aigre-douce at 1:56 p.m.

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