

I'm frustrated. Today Mom and I were talking, and basically I figured out the rest of my life for right now, which was great. At any rate, I was discussing my need for a new keychain, and want a Tinkerbell one. When I was younger, the Disney Store equaled Heaven for me. Oh my god, was I ever in love. As a matter of fact, if we had a store in this area, I would work there. At any rate, I was pretty smitten with Tinkerbell (and The Little Mermaid, my middle name being Ariel and me having red hair), and during one visit, I bought this awesome Tinkerbell keychain. It was like a mini hollow plastic wand that was filled with liquid, glitter, stars, and a small Tinkerbell. Tragically, I lost it a few weeks later on a field trip to Montgomery. That's what I get for leaving it in the bus, unprotected and all alone. At any rate, Mom suggested I look on Ebay for another one, and you would be flat-out amazed at the things they have. It's fucking amazing. So I've been sitting here for literally hours now, scrolling through these pages....when my connection times out. My Ebay connection, because my aol is okay. Bastards. I now get to go through that ALL OVER AGAIN.

aigre-douce at 10:55 p.m.

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