
excellent afternoon

Today's been a grrrrrreat day. Despite the fact that I didn't get to see my lovemuffin (ahahahhahaha) James.

Mom and I got along swimmingly today. She and I talked about me switching majors (journalism----> business), getting a job as a waitress at Ruby Tuesday, and what all I would have to go through buying James's Ford Focus (2001, green). We hung out some, talked about me and James, and for once, didn't get into some sort of an argument. It was awesome.

Today I talked to Stacey, Elliott, and Nick, all of which I have not talked to in ages. It did me super good to do so. I worked more on hooking Elliott and Stacey up. My conversation with Elliott was funny because he called me all these pet names as he was getting offline to go to bed. That made me happy, even though it's always going to be strictly-friends on my side for the rest of eternity. I kind of do hope he and Stacey hook up. That would be interesting. Plus, then two of my single/lonely friends would no longer be that way. And they'd be well-matched in height and intelligence. Hope that works out. Talking to Nick was great. He and I have the best conversations. And it's always great because it doesn't take us long to catch up from where we left off.

I'm very happy with my life right now. Things are going to work out after all, and all is well. I'm not really that rejected after all. Life is good.

Mom and I began watching Life is Beautiful last night, and will finish tomorrow morning. Us getting along = smiles on my face. And if you've never watched George Lopez, the sitcom, you need to do so. It's hilarious.

Bon soir, j'adorez.

aigre-douce at 12:06 a.m.

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