
jamaican jerk diet

Today is the first day of the rest of my life my diet. I am once again doing the no-carb diet (meat, eggs, and cheese ONLY for two week....blehhhhh guh-ross). It'll be good to lose some of this weight, and with that diet, it should fall right off. If my body recognizes what I'm doing to it and therefore decides not to lose the weight, it's okay, because I come armed with Xenadrine EFX (without <3ephedrine<3). I am well-prepared. Plus I had so much sugar last night that I probably won't want any for a while. As for my coffee, I have it figured out. We both know that there's no way I can drink espresso straight. That's just bad news for Lauren. Sooooo, I have come up with a solution; Splenda and Half and Half. It's genius. Splenda has less than one carbohdrate, and half and half is pretty low in carbs, so it all works out. Plus, this way I won't go into shock from not having my caffeine. It all works out. Now I get to eat MEAT and EGGS all day. Oh boy, I'm excited. Only not, because I'm not the biggest fan in the world of red meat (which is the easiest to find, cook, etc.), and I pretty much hate eggs. So not only will I not be eating carbs, but I won't eat much b/c I'll be losing my appetite!! It's fool-proof. Now on to exercising.....

My mama is the devil. This morning she wakes me up and tells me she's emailed me a recipe that she wants me to make for dinner tonight, right? First of all, realize that my mother is also on this damned diet. Neither of us are anywhere near fat, but want to drop a few pounds. Because when you're short, that shit isn't easy to camouflage. So, I get up, look at this recipe...yep, it's definitely Jamaican Jerk Chicken. So not only is that going to take all day, but the stuff that makes the "Jerk" is definitely not part of our diet. Way to go on screwing up the very first day. Gahhhh. And I so don't want to chop onions and garlic. Guh-rossss! Le sigh.

Have an Amelie day.

aigre-douce at 11:36 a.m.

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