
sick with the flu but happy

Still sick. With the flu and not mono, as earlier suspected, though. But I am extremely happy to have heard from Desiree (she's not dead!!). It's always nice to receive 'I know you weren't feeling well last time I talked to you, and I wanted to check up on you to see how you were doing' phone calls (2), too.

This entry gave me the biggest smile ever.

Today James came over (at eight in the morning, no less!) and spent the day with me. It's really nice to have someone to take care of you when you are sick. Especially when they're as sweet as James.

Pssst.... Last night in a drunken stupor, our friend Taco babbled to me how James had been dragging him around all day, looking at rings. This guy's serious. I love it.

I'm all achy, but happy. Onward to bed.

aigre-douce at 10:37 p.m.

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