
Savannah rant

"I don't give a good goddamn!" Run Ronnie Run is hilarious. And how I'm stuck using that phrase, though sparingly.

Yesterday was exhausting, to say the least. I was supposed to watch this little girl, Sierra, at 8:00 am, so I set my alarm clock for 7:20, so I could get up, clean up, etc. I get up, turn off my alarm clock, and as I do, I see Savannah (Sierra's mom) pulling up. What the fuck. She doesn't show up at all Saturday, then pops up 40 minutes early yesterday. Whatev. Savannah comes in, giggles, asks if she can use my phone (yesterday she had to go to court, and apparently she had another court date or something at the same time; obviously she couldn't make both) to call the courthouse, and then tells me that all she brought for Sierra was a clean shirt, diaper pull-up bag, and a small cup of milk. Sierra's two. I don't have a child-oriented house. I was kind of annoyed with Savannah, since she's a year or so older than me, but ridiculously irresponsible, but I let it go. Savannah left, and I had fun watching Sierra. Weird kid likes The Wiggles. Ever seen that show? Whoa. Later I was sitting down to breakfast, and Sierra, who'd already eaten, gets really excited, and starts yelling, "Eat! Eat!", then jumps up in my chair and starts chowing down on my eggs. It was really cute. But it proved my point that Savannah should have thought to bring a snack for her or something. Two year olds don't eat three times a day, you know? They're not adults. But whatev. I'm not the mom. After Sierra got picked up, I called James. I hit redial, out of habit, since James is pretty much the only person I call, and what do you know. This long-distance number pops up across my screen. So apparently this other courthouse isn't in Enterprise. Did she ask to call long-distance? Of course not. But it's gonna be billed to my line? I really don't like that girl. I like her mom, and I like her daughter, but Savannah herself can go suck a few hundred cocks. Oh, wait. She already does that, by the dozen. Gahhhh.

As it is, last week she called to ask to make sure (twice) that I'd be able to babysit the times we had set up for this week. I assured her that I would be here. I'd told her mom (Carol, super great woman, good friends with my mom), who always takes care of Sierra while Savannah goes off to school/partying/etc., that I'd babysit Sierra this week, because Carol was going out of town, and I wanted her to be able to relax and not worry about Savannah neglecting Sierra while she was gone. My family is taking a trip to Mobile this week, and I said I would stay because I'd told Carol I'd be here to babysit Sierra. So last night, Savannah calls to make sure I can still babysit [today]. I was like, "Yeah, I can babysit whenever you need me this week, the dates we already talked about, plus just other times you may need a sitter. I told your mom I'd stay in town so I could do it." Savannah's response? "Well, my boyfriend (with whom she recently moved into an apartment with, they have no food, no phone, etc) said the days he didn't have to work, he'd watch her, so..." I was so pissed off. I really need the money, plus I've already told her I'd do it, not to mention that I don't get to go to Mobile as a result of it. To be completely fair, I'm not to keen on going on trips with my parents anyway, but I haven't been to Mobile since last January, so.... Yeah.

At any rate, they should be here in a few minutes. I'm starving. And sleepy. Thank god for Lilo and Stitch (maybe). Sierra's so cute. She's really sassy, and can't even talk much yet.

Family's going out of town today, whoo! For a week, I think. All I have to say is they better give me grocery money first. Because this house has nada in it.

Off to make cappuccino. More later.

aigre-douce at 8:21 a.m.

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