
i need to get a house of my own

I really enjoy this having the house to myself thing. Of course my favorite part is being able to be with James 24/7, and then there are the things like not having to worry about little things, like watching Harry Potter or listening to Lil John and co. I am well aware I sound like a twelve yeara old....but my parents are pretty crazy, we know that. I'm also a big fan of being able to relax in my own home and not being driven insane by the sounds of five lunatics. Ahhh, sweet bliss. And it's also nice to be able to drink buttery nipples or wine just because. Ahh, I am loving this. I see a moveout in my very near future.

Last night I had a dream where I was trying to get all this stuff done for college, and nothing was working. That's about right, actually. I was soooo upset. I really wish I could pay someone else to fill out scholarship forms for me, financial aid stuff, and all those other things. Nope, I have to do it all on my own. Gahhhh. I'm guessing I'll settle for UAB, since it'd be cheaper than private schools (damn!), and it is the artsiest school in Alabama. Ughhhh. Thinking about college makes me want to tear out my hair, for real.

Last night Shana dropped into town, and we had dinner, broke a few corkscrews (my family doesn't drink, and James got wine last night. There was a corkscrew on the can opener, so James and Shana tried to use it.....it definitely broke. And then we almost broke the one on my brother's knife. So James solved the problem by buying a bonafide corkscrew, one that wasn't 18 years old, or attached to some cheap Swiss Army Knife wannabe.), and attempted to watch Hedwig and the Angry Inch. We went to Movie Whorehouse, and they only had the video, so we got that, and it was definitely messed up. I'll be taking that back and getting some money back. After what little bit I did see of it, I REALLY want to see it now.

Good lawdy, I'm hungry. James had to go home this morning, so it's breakfast alone (cereal), then cleaning the kitchen. And perhaps a 'hot scotch' (butterscotch schnapps with hot chocolate) while I'm making baked apples for Kenny. Ahahhaa, my mom asked my brother's best friend, Kenny, (who also happens to live right across the street from us) to spy on me while they were gone. Here's the thing of it....Kenny told me about it. He was like, "Psh, I don't care if you smoke crack, it's an honor system. I'm not saying shit. Just make me some baked apples like you said you would." See? Isn't he a sweetie? If James and I don't work out...just kidding! He's about 14. But he's reallllllllly tall, and he's just a big kid. Not fat, just big. Because we all know I'd tell you if I thought he was fat. But no, he's just a big kid. And he's part Korean, so there's that asian allure....it's all James's fault. Hahahahahaha.

I love my boyfriend. Especially when I get to fall asleep and wake up to him. Yum.

Have decided I like alcohol pretty much for the novelty of it. I only like liquor, not so much beer. I will have alcohol in my house when I get older. It's not like I drink till I'm drunk, anyway. Because I don't.

Okay, I cave. Breakfast time.

aigre-douce at 9:31 a.m.

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