
anonymous comments

Last night I posted "Get Your Mind Right Mami" by Jay-Z in my LJ, b/c not only has it been stuck in my head, but is hella appropriate. The entire song, no lj-cut (which makes a link for readers to click on so if it's on a friends' list, it doesn't take up a lot of space which can be annoying). I didn't do it to be annoying, but honestly, no, I didn't care, and it's not like I update that thing often, anyway. And when I do, it sure as hell isn't long. So today someone posted anonymously ("Was it really necessary for you to sing the entire song?"), and in reply James crawled their ass, which made me feel good. Brownie points for the day goes to James.

Here's said entry, comments included. I just thought it was slightly amusing, sorry. Plus I'm pissed off and am being mean to anyone who annoys me right now. Usually I'm a pretty nice girl. But if you're going to post without having a LiveJournal account, don't be a fucking puss and 'forget' to leave your name. That just pisses me off. The few times I angrily posted anonymously (ie, without an lj account, not anonymously in the true sense of the word), I left my name. I really hate "pussy ass niggas" (Lil John quote, in case I was about to get 'racist' comments). Because if you know me at all, you know the two serious traits I possess are honesty (99.9995% of the time) and I'm absolutely against prejudice of any sort. Except against mean ugly people, because they're just asking for it. Just kidding...

Interesting thought: I got some retarded (retarded b/c I'm generally not a fan of forwards) email forward ('Dr. Seuss') last night, one of those where you scroll down, make a wish, fwd. it to however many ppl (in this case, 10), and the wish will come true. THE ONLY reason I did it all was b/c it had a big Cat in the Hat emoticon-like thing, so I did it just for the hell of it. Interestingly enough, it worked. I got my wish. And if you knew what it was, and the way things were before I made said wish, you'd be just as surprised. Don't misunderstand, I'm not falling for the forward thing. I told you Dr. Suess was magical, though (haha). It just struck me as interesting.

aigre-douce at 12:33 a.m.

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