
Queens of the Stone Age and a vanilla cappuccino

You know how people can tell you things, but it takes experiencing it for yourself for you to fully understand what they meant? I've experienced that quite recently. James is sick. Again. This time he just has a cold. But it really sank in that he's going to be sick with something every week or so. And if he's not sick, he's fatigued. I think I finally understand what kidney disease means. I thought I did before, but I didn't. I do now. Does it change who James is? Nope. Does it change my feelings for and about James? Nope. But it does put things in perspective. Ah well, my feelings haven't changed and I'm sticking with him all the same. But I do understand a lot more now, for which I am thankful.

I should really be doing the dishes and packing right now, but due to my slight Internet addiction, I am not. Obviously. The last few days have been good but different, I guess you could say. With revelation comes a change of perspective, perhaps.

Friday morning James called me to tell me to get ready for him to kidnap me for the day. Mmm, that's what I'm talking about. We went to Chili's (in commemoration of our very first date, ever), then we went to the mall. James bought me a hott scarf and a new purse, which was desperately needed. I have a great boyfriend husband. Hey, he started it. He turned in early since he wasn't feeling well, and much to my surprise, when I got home, my parents were at a Christmas party. A nice day and evening if I do say so myself. Kim and I got up early the next morning to go to the gym, for heaven's sake. We listened to the Girls Summer Fun Band (or something like that) which was adorable, then went and got our abs and pilates classes on. Which I quite enjoyed. During the tough times, I just inwardly repeated my favorite Marines quote, hahaha. James and I were originally supposed to go out Saturday, but as he was sick, I told him to stay home and we'd do something Sunday. I cried a lot, thinking, then thought about all the reasons that James is so important to me and lied down and watched a Robin Williams on Broadway dvd. Or started to. But that's another, although unimportant story. I ended up watching Matrix Reloaded (and now have to watch the Animatrix, God help me) and entertaining myself around the house. I took no part in the Christmas decorating with the rest of the family, I am proud to say. I did it all by myself this year, and the next time I do it, it will be in my own place with James. I slept well that night but woke up still tired. And achy from the gym. Mom woke me up for church (Sunday), and as I was attempting to limbo between sleep and waking up, the phone rang. I was very confused, and writhed around looking for the phone. Hey babe. Apparently James had not slept well and got up super early. He suggested he pick me up after church and we go to Dothan, do some errands, and see Matrix Revolutions. And that's exactly what we did. When I was not getting in trouble for my PDAs, I had a good time. We were an hour late getting to church because of the movie, so we just sat in the balcony, which is much more preferable to the downstairs, I think. I'll have to sit there more often. Afterwards, James and I said our goodbyes (and he gave me an air freshener because we joked I was a bag lady and therefore needed to wear one). There's not really much more to say, except I went to Walmart and bought a new brush, curling iron (which is good, because now when I move out I won't have to buy it then--thank you, James) and the newest Sheryl Crow cd for Uncle Donald. Like I said, this isn't a super important entry I suppose, but I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and felt the need to update anyway. I think I will be less worrisome when I live with James, that way I can see him when he's sick and take care of him. I love that boy like it's going out of style, you know I would take damn good care of him. He is, after all, my hubby. Haha.

Oh my goodness, I have got to get ready. They will be here in roughly two hours. I guess I will go drink the rest of my cappuccino now. Yeah, I haven't been able to drink one of these in quite a long time (too long), but this morning I could barely drag myself out of bed, so I made one anyway. Mmm-mmmm good. Hopefully once I drink the rest, the caffeine will kick in and get me jump-started. Guh, I hate packing. Hope everyone has a great week. And someone make Jonzo update already!! Hopefully he will have updated by the time I get back. As will James, with updates about how much he misses me, muhahahaha. Hey, a girl can dream ;)

aigre-douce at 8:43 a.m.

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