
well, fuck.

My dad has fucked things up for me once again, so here's the one positive thought for now:


Yeah. I'm looking forward to that. Tonight my parents were supposed to go out of town, and it was going to be my one night of much-needed privacy (okay, and James was going to sleep over). However, at the last minute, my dad decided to leave in the morning (goddamn!), so no James tonight. And Desiree will be here tomorrow night and the next, and then my parents will be back. . . Fuck. I would gladly sell my soul for my own (nice) place and car. I'm so pissed. Nothing ever works out. Goddamn.

Edit: 1:18 AM "Who's the shinoubi here Though you may have supreme authority you can not control the ultimate ninja in his lust" Amazing.

aigre-douce at 8:07 p.m.

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