
Here's to punky pop on rainy, blah days

I'm bored and my hair is being difficult. It's one of those days where you can't figure out what you want, and nothing satisfies you. Well, me, anyway. Stupid weather is keeping me from seeing James. And it's making my hair more rebellious than usual. I thought I would listen to the radio today, and see what's new, but b/c of the rain I guess, I can't really pick up any good stations, and all the music is crap. I want to do something bold with my appearance, but every time I do, I regret it. Hmmmmm. Maybe I'll go paint my nails a bright color and hope they turn out okay. I dunno.

On a brighter side, Nichol and I are renting Punch Drunk Love today and playing video games. Her boyfriend, Mike, called Punch Drunk Love an Amelie rip-off, which I don't recall noting when James and I tried to watch it one night, and ended up sleeping instead. I guess I'll find out today.

The American Rejects came on, and for some reason, that totally cheered me up. I'm lame and not scene at all, but I'm happy. I wished I still worked at the coffee shop on days like these. Le sigh. Oh yeah, I might get a job at the hospital my dad works at in Ozark for some extra cash. I'll probably be miserable, but I'll have padded pockets and James will pick me up from work.

aigre-douce at 2:27 p.m.

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