

This morning my grandfather called to tell me that my great aunt (my grandmother's twin sister) died last night. They're not sure of the exact cause yet, but she just fell over and died. Her name was Edna Voncille Driver Inge. She was married to a French guy once, but that's another, very different and not appropriate for right now story. At any rate, I was pretty shocked, but I think that will be okay. Suzie called me this morning, crying. Aunt Edna had lived with her family for the last few years or so in New Orleans. Before that, she lived with my grandparents in Mobile for years, so it always seemed like I was visiting three grandparents at once. She was Mommy Edna, my extra grandmother. I made Suzie laugh and tried to comfort her some. I'll see her in a few days, as well as a lot of family I haven't seen in eons. I'm determined to go to the funeral. But that's another story. I think I'm done for right now.

aigre-douce at 10:22 a.m.

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