
Third time's a charm!

Today has been the best day yet of this year. Today I finally got my drivers license, registered to vote, finally made a dermatologist appointment (June 29th) and got a cell phone. And I'll be twenty in two months.

I went to the DMV to take my license . . . and Donald's sister was my examiner. I totally made a 96, due to my mad practice as of late. She was updating me on recent events, and telling me that right after she and her new husband moved into their new house, they found out that they were pregnant. However, it miscarried, and then became pregnant again, only to have that one miscarry, too. I told her that my favorite author (Francesca Lia Block) wrote a book on her first year of motherhood, and she'd really wanted a child, but had had two miscarriages before she finally became pregnant with her daughter, and right after that, she had a son. I told her that the next time I saw her, I expected to hear some good news. I think she actually did feel better after that. Third time really is a charm.

When I took my picture for my license, I tried to bite my lip and look seductive (which might help me a little should I ever get pulled over, haha), but the lady made me retake it b/c I had a 'goofy look' on my face. Hahaha. I called Mom upon leaving the courthouse to tell her the good news (she'd had to leave work to pick up Cam from school; he got suspended), and she was very excited and we're having a celebration at my house tonight. James and I had KFC for lunch, and then he went to Geico, apparently to try to add me onto his car insurance (which you can't do till you're living together). I couldn't find the Eisley cd I wanted, and we headed back to Ozark.

On the way to his house, James made me take a certain road b/c he needed to head by his cell phone place....and totally surprised me by getting me a cell phone, and adding me onto his plan. Me=shocked. My cell phone is sooo cute. Today has been overwhelming. It's like my birthday, times 14!

We headed back to James's, and I played Star Wars Galaxies, where I became an even more skilled dancer on the game. My character is damn hott, I'm very proud of her.

Well, now we've gotta go party at my house. Have a great evening!!

aigre-douce at 7:37 p.m.

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