
Best Easter Ever

If it wasn't so long and would not have looked so weird, I would have put Craving German potato salad in the Feeling field. My stomach is weird today, and for some reason, I really want some of that. Of course, I'm also mad at Mom, but really, how would that be an update?

Yesterday was great. My dress worked much better after I pinned the shoulders, and I didn't even have to cover the pins. I looked "very elegant", according to Mom. James met me at church, which was really nice. I loved it. SXE Allison showed James and I the rest of the pictures of us, and some of them were really good. The ones we didn't like were because we found flaws with ourselves in them, not because of Allison's lack of ability. There's one of us lying on a sheet together, my head on his chest, both of our eyes closed, and his arms are around me, and one of my arms is wrapping back around, and holding one of his hands. My hand barely shows up in the picture because I'm so pale and on white, but you get the idea. It's super sweet. I plan on hanging that in my room, framed.

After church, we went back to my house and took pictures with the family. While we were waiting on dinner to finish cooking, James and I began watching 21 Grams. We had lunch with the family: lamb, asparagus, green beans (squash, which neither of us ate), rice, and two desserts; banana pudding and cheesecake w/strawberry topping. I really do not enjoy family meals, as I like not to be around my family (shock!), but James seemed not to mind (being around them), and made me feel better. This, however, may be because my parents gave him an Easter basket, though (haha).

After lunch, we finished 21 Grams (really good, though a little confusing at first), and I napped while he played I-Ninja. I was out cold, until he woke me up. We were planning on going to a movie, and then decided not to after all. Instead, we played a little I-Ninja, and ran around town. James bought me cereal and macaroni and cheese so I'd have something to eat (since my family is a huuuuge fan of not caring that I have to have food, too), as well as some popsicle things.

When we got back, we watched Cheaper by the Dozen, which surprisingly, was really good. For some reason, lately I've been very sensitive. I cried various times in 21 Grams, and every single time the redheaded boy got picked on in Cheaper by the Dozen (which was a lot). Lucky for me, James is amazing at comforting. He gets cried on a lot. He has the nicest arms and chest, though. We've come to know each other very thoroughly. In short, yesterday made up for Easter last year twenty million times in a dozen different ways. He's so sweet. And oh yeah, we are planning on getting married, something James comments on and works into conversation often.

I'd make a link to the Easter entry of last year, but it appears I have deleted it, so I can't. Last year was really horrible, though. The whole weekend was bad; Elliott had come down for the weekend, and was acting really weird. We barely spoke all weekend, let alone hold hands or any of that. Saturday evening, however, things seemed to be shaping up some. This was when he was staying @ his grandparents' town house, because his mom had already moved, but he came to see me. We'd gone shopping that day, because I desperately needed some clothes. He didn't pay for anything, he just accompanied me. We went back to his grandparents', and were talking, and his mood seemed to lighten up a little. He'd seemed in deep thought all weekend, and wouldn't tell me what he was thinking about. Suddenly he suggested we run off and get married in Birmingham, out of nowhere. He seemed slightly desperate about it, though I knew he wouldn't really do it, even if I agreed. We talked, things seemed better, regular. The next day was Easter, and my family went to the Enterprise service, which starts at 8. Elliott picked me up after the service, and we went to his grandparents' to hang out a little bit before he drove back up to Tuscaloosa. His grandmother took pictures that I have no idea what happened to, and he drove me back home. When we got to my house, we were playing around with each other, and Leighton walks up and goes, "Are you guys going to get married?" Obviously, it embarassed me for her to ask, but what was worse was that Elliott goes, "No, probably not." It was just bad because he'd just been talking about wanting to, things were already weird, and that was out of nowhere, and very embarassing. It was horrible. That was the last time I saw him while we were still dating.

So obviously, this year was much, much better. I have an adorably sweet, thoughtful boyfriend, and I got some nice candy, too. Hope everyone else had a nice day.

aigre-douce at 5:07 p.m.

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