
J'ai un rhume.

My throat hurts. Yesterday, I could barely talk, and at times the loudest I could speak was barely above a whisper. However, I will say that after a night of being around a lot of smoke, and smoking and drinking a little myself, I feel surprisingly better. Odd. However, I still have the voice of an old woman (score!).

Last night me, James, Jason, Robley, MaryAnne (thank God she's back from L.A.), Josh, James's cousin Mary Kate and her friend Ashley (no joke) all went to MJQ. Aforehand, we all drank some at MaryAnne's (who lives one floor below us). James got soooo drunk, which was fun to see, since he rarely drinks, yet likes it so much. It was nice, because it loosened him up (which he definitely needed). When we got to MJQ, we danced together (apparently James is an the cutest dancer, who knew?! We've been to a "club" in Alabama before, but it was hip hop, not indie-scene music like @ MJQ, hence the difference), and he sang The Cure to me. It was awesome. I was totally crushin' on him, and it made me really happy, because it's James, the same guy who tells me he loves me a lot. How rad is that?

Anyway...today James slept until 4 (he went to sleep @ 4 last night/this morning), and I watched Red Dragon, which was really really good. I was eventually able to wake him up, which worked well since I was in a worshipful mood (haha). I was enjoying lounging around and not having to worry about how I looked, because for once it was just me and James...and then Josh walked in. And then after Josh, Robley and a fuming Jason walked in. And now, I have clothing, jewelry, and makeup on. Sigh.

Also, I am the resident homemaker. I cook for everybody, do the laundry (so far, since I have no job, I have no money, either, and have to have some way to earn my keep...James is not my husband, after all), etc., etc. Josh is supposed to complete a list of chores (short list, might I add) for $20/week, but doesn't do what he's supposed to (or pay for anything, to include his own food, etc., might I add). And so. Just thought I'd keep you up to date.

Damn! I can't wait until I get rid of this nasty cough! I think I have the Aids.

aigre-douce at 4:59 p.m.

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