
Sick, happy, ready to party, and watching the phone 24/7

I am in a good mood. I still feel like crap, but, I'm happy-ish. Last night James and I stayed in together (everyone else went out), with the intention of hanging out. James got a headache, and passed out super early. I made a LJ post (just click on 'Another Side' on the right), and took some sleeping pills and went to bed.

Of course, as soon as I fell asleep, James woke back up. The pills didn't really make me sleepy, I just couldn't really stay awake without trying, and they made me feel really weird. However, I finally was able to keep my eyes open, and we hung out. He took good care of me and even made me food. It was really nice. Then we went back to sleep, and we both kept waking up randomly and seeing each other (I'd wake myself up coughing, he'd roll over, etc.). Anyway.

My nose is still stuffy, but for right now (thank you, medicines I took last night) that's about it. It's awesome I'm not feeling AS sick as I have been, because . . .

Tonight my friend Ramona is throwing a gigantic party in a mansion next to Toni Braxton's!!! It's gonna be awesome. I'm really excited.

I'd be more excited if one of the places I'd turned in applications to called me back, though. This sucks . . . I was pretty sure I was going to get that job @ Urban. Honestly, if I was going to get it, how long would it be before they called me? So far, it's been two days. I can't take it anymore. I have to find a job!!!

Any suggestions? Do let me know.

aigre-douce at 12:47 p.m.

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