
Brunch, AVP, and going away parties

I'm super excited about today. Last night we (Jason, John, Robley, James, and I) all decided to get up early and go to brunch this morning at this place that reputedly makes terribly good margaritas and bloody marys. At 2:00 we have to pick up Jess from the airport (she's coming back from Boston and left her car here; she lives in Dothan). Then we are supposed to go to the matinee of Alien vs. Predator (I have never seen Alien and watched Predator last night; I'm basically just along for the ride), and at 7:00 is our friend Ginna's going away party/cookout.

Mostly I'm excited about going to brunch (that is, if everyone gets up and goes, according to plan). It's romantic to me for some reason to go out to brunch on a Sunday with a bunch of friends, with the intent of having Bloody Marys while there. Airports are romantic to me, too. However, seeing Jess is not. You might remember Jess from the massive Dothan drama of last year (think: Allison Cole, LiveJournal. . . this was all last summer). I apparently deleted that post (I'm not sure why), so I can't link to it to refresh memory. At any rate, Jess supposedly forgave me for my missteps, but then acted super shady. She's just weird sometimes, and I'm not really looking forward to seeing her. Perhaps my feelings will change when I actually do see her. If not, I'm sure I'll fake it.

I just realized that a year after I decided I definitely needed to move out and get away from my parents (do you recall when my dad and I got into that huge fight and he beat me up last May?), I actually AM out of the house. Good for me. I'm only sorry it took so long.

I'm starving. These people need to wake up.

Yesterday my cousin Lloyd called to tell me about two job openings he'd heard about. He'd talked to each of the managers at each place, and gave me tips on what to say, etc. He's awesome. There's a place called The Roman Lily that was looking for someone for brunch/breakfast. The awesome thing about it is that because they just started toing brunch/breakfast, they're kind of slow during that time, so since I've had no previous restaurant experience (coffeehouse not included), it would be a great shift for me, so she could teach me everything I needed to know. I was really stoked about it, and passed up the chance to serve beer at a show last night (James, John, Josh, and Robley all went ahead and did that, though) so I could talk to this woman about a job. So I got dressed all cutely, made my hair look fabulous (I swear I'll post pictures soon), and drove down there. I get there, asked for the manager, and found she was on the phone. In the meantime, I got to explore the place, and found it had all these wonderful installation art pieces. It's a really cute place. It's small and hot, but the menu is amazing, the service is great, and I love how arty it is. While I was waiting, a guy that worked there befriended me, and I found out he'd done all the artwork I'd liked so well. It was a very pleasant experience. Then, however, I found that she'd already hired someone that morning, but she wanted all my information anyway, so that if the person she hired didn't work out, or if she had any other positions open up, she could still hire me. She was super nice. Eric, the guy that befriended me, told me about some other places that were hiring and how to get there. I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly everyone was. I felt completely comfortable, and not stressed out at all.

I checked out the coffeehouse across the street from The Roman Lily and put in an application. They're not hiring for another week, but I thought it couldn't hurt, anyway. The bakery that's hiring was already closed, so I went ahead and went home. All the guys were out serving beer at the show, and Mary Ann went out for a drink with a coworker after work, so I just sat around and napped for a few hours. Initially I was proud of myself for going and seeing the manager of The Roman Lily instead of serving beer (because having money for the long run is better than having money for the evening) . . . and then it dawned on me that not only did I not get the job, but I missed out on the $64 that all the guys that bartended made. Blegh! I just can't win.

I think I'm going to wake James up now and text everybody in hopes of us actually going to brunch.

aigre-douce at 10:16 a.m.

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