
Psychic Memegen!

What do people really think about you?

by Raven319

favorite song
Parents thinkYou work too hard
Strangers thinkYou're hot
Friends thinkYou're wonderful
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Saturday I worked at Javaology from 7:20 AM until 3:30 PM. Then I got home, and my cousin called me to see if James and I wanted to help them set up for a bridal show. We worked from 6PM to 10PM, then came back at 12AM and worked until 4:30 AM. Came home, then went to the bridal show yesterday at 12PM. I registered as a bride-to-be (I'm not engaged, I just wanted freebies), and James and I went through the entire show, gathering information for when/if we do ever get married. It was very interesting. I got at least five compliments on my hair/style, which is always good for the ego. There was a fashion show where tuxedos, wedding and bridesmaid dresses were modeled, and in between the set ups, there were door prizes given away. I didn't really pay attention to what was being given away to whom, and James and I chatted. Then my name was called out for a big beauty giveaway, and James was so surprised that he yelled, "OH SHIT!" out loud, then shoved me towards the stage. It was funny. Of course, directly after the show was over, we had to stay there for another 4 and a half hours to take everything down and pack it away.

I treated James and myself to Fellinis for dinner, and after a quick run to Kroger, we went home. Apparently Liger figured out a way to open the bathroom, got in, and made the biggest mess ever. I had an iced coffee in a glass on the counter, and Liger broke the glass and coffee was everywhere. As I was cleaning that up, my cousin Lloyd called me to ask if his friend Allison could leave a tv at our place for him to pick up later. We agreed, then it turned out that we had to go pick the thing up. We met Allison, and I ended up having to stay with her truck while they took the tv upstairs. When she got back downstairs, she was ready to leave, and I headed upstairs. Or I tried to, anyway. I'd left my keycard upstairs, so I couldn't get in, and all the doors were locked and the guard at the gate said I had to wait for the other guard to get there to unlock the door for me, because he didn't know how to. Apparently the dialpad at the door doesn't work either, becauase my boyfriend only uses 'Yo' in a joking manner. As I was sifting through the names on the dialpad, Sharon (from work, lives on the second floor) came up behind me. She was like, "I was just thinking about you, and here you are! I was telling Willis and Morgan today how much I've missed you lately. How perfect!" I went to her apartment and we talked for a while. It was wonderful talking to her. There are some things I've been worried about lately that she's had first-hand experience with, and comforted me accordingly. It felt so nice talking to someone else that knows what I'm talking to. I'm so happy I saw her. When I finally got upstairs, James gave me some of the best sex I've had in my life. It was really romantic, and made me very happy.

It's been a long 48 hours, that's for damn sure.

aigre-douce at 11:12 a.m.

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