
Van Gogh!

Today I get to go see Van Gogh! Yes, that is a link for the Van Gogh to Mondrian exhibit I get to go see today. I am super excited. James surprised me with tickets a few weeks ago for this, and I have been counting the days down since. Ohhhh God how I love museums . . . and Van Gogh!! I woke up extra early this morning in eager anticipation of getting to go this afternoon. Man oh man. Sadly, I don't have any money for souvenirs, but hopefully I can go to the gift shop sometime when I do.

Last night James and I rearranged the apartment. We took the bed off the floor and put it on the bed frame Lee gave to us, and moved it. We have a giant rug that Lloyd's friend gave to us, and we moved that, too. We had extra space since we moved the bed, and did things with it. You would be amazed by how different it looks now. Granted, because it's so small, it is extremely reminiscent of a hotel room/suite, but that will be changed when we get the loft finished. James is going to start work on that today.

I'm very excited about what we're doing to the apartment. I'm going to make a headboard for the bed, thanks to an idea I got from Home Swell Home. I tell you, those books are amazing.

On another domestic note, a few weeks ago James and I bought a set of cookware at a Royal Prestige show, and they finally came in last night. I think James was even more excited than I was. It's endearing to me that he's suddenly become obsessed with cooking. The pots and pans that we now have can even be hung on a rack and the lids will stay on. I'm in love.

Today my Tamogotchi is scheduled to die. I'm very sad about this. The problem with the new Tamogotchis is they're very socially demanding. The idea with the Tamogotchi Connection (eg, the new breed) is that your Tamogotchi and a friend's 'connect' using infra red technology. You can exchange gifts, have babies together, whatever. In the event that your Tamogotchi reaches a certain age (7 'years' in this case), if you have not already found your Tamogotchi a partner, then a Matchmaker Tamogotchi appears on your screen and offers you a 'match' (I put quotes around that because in my case, it's not an actual Tamogotchi that I've been matched with it's just the computer). You can choose to have your Tamogotchi love it's match (or not), and if you choose love, up pops a baby Tamogotchi on the screen (next to the Tamogotchi you already have). Then your Tamogotchi takes care of the baby Tamogotchi (mine now has a daughter) for a day I believe, and then your Tamogotchi dies while you are left to take care of the new Tamogotchi (the second generation Tamogotchi), and so on and so forth. I find this very depressing. I've considered getting James a Tamogotchi so ours could mate, but this is getting a little out of hand. I'm now riding the fine line between 'cute an kitschy' and 'just plain dorky'. What to do . . .

I have been working on upping my cuteness. Lately I have taken to wearing matching eyeshadow and ribbons. This came about by me wanting to jazz up my Javaology attire. I absolutely cannot just wear a tshirt and jeans and let that be it. I have to make it cute. Yesterday I wore a short black and white polka dot 'tennis' skirt with my black Javaologist muscle tee, my black and white ballet flat sneakers, and a turquoise ribbon tied around my hips (to mix it up). I wore matching eyeshadow, and my Hello Kitty ring. The owner of the Javaology building seems to have a thing for the matching eyeshadow and ribbons. He came in yesterday and immediately asked me where my ribbon was (seeing I was wearing turquoise eyeshadow), and I showed him that I was wearing it as a belt. He seemed pleased, and commented on my Hello Kitty ring, as did other customers. I like that I can be myself (even at work), and it pays off in a nice way instead of me just getting funny looks. It's not like I'm that weird or anything or really do anything outlandish, but it's nice that what I do that makes me 'me' is noticed and appreciated. Perhaps that just seems like I'm rattling on about silliness, but it means a lot to me. Apparently there are a lot of customers that ask about me when I'm not at work. "Where's the redhead with the crazy hair? She's cute!" That particular inquery was made by a young, seemingly conservative African American banker, as told to me by one of my managers. It's nice hearing things like that from time to time.

I'm getting my nose pierced this weekend. Hopefully I'll have money left over from my paycheck to buy more things for the apartment.


aigre-douce at 9:55 a.m.

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