
Nine days until Israel!

This week Morgan is out of town, so instead of working in the mornings, I am working in the afternoon/evenings to cover his shift. He's a manager . . . does that mean I'm thought of as being able to replace a manager? Really, who cares, but it's still fun to think about. Yesterday morning I opened the shop up by myself; Willis dropped the key off at my apartment the night before. As I was going downstairs to meet Willis, I passed one of my favorite customers; we recently discovred we live in the same apartment builiding. The guy's name is Tim, and when he saw me, he asked if I'd had to work (this was Saturday, when everything was covered in snow and ice). I said no, but told him I would be opening the next morning by myself, and he said he'd come and see me. Sure enough, he did. I thought that was nice of him. I love having visitors at work.

Yesterday I was bored, and I was thinking of calling Beau about the apartment in Buckhead, but didn't know what time would be appropriate to do so. I voiced this query aloud to a customer, and he asked what I was calling for, I explained, and then he asked how much stuff I had. I was confused because I didn't think that was really relavant to the question, but then he explained that he had a huge house (Jurassic House 2?), and wanted someone to live in it while he was gone for a year (!!). He gave me his number and address, and we talked about us going to see it yesterday, but then when I called the guy, he was out, and when he called me back I was checking out the apartment in Buckhead, so I didn't answer, and he didn't leave a message. I called again when I was done in Buckhead, but he didn't answer the phone, so I had to leave another message, which he hasn't returned. Phew! That was a lot of typing.

Yesterday James and I went to go see the Buckhead apartment. James loved it while I have a few reservations about it. We hung out for a couple of hours with Beau, the guy who is renting it out, whose house is attached to the apartment. He made me coffee and told me about the neighborhood drama that I would need to be aware of, should we move in. He's a really nice guy and it would be fun to hang out with him even if we didn't get the apartment.

After looking at the apartment, James offered to take me out to dinner anywhere in the city (since he was mean to me before we looked at the apartment). I was in the mood for Japanese steakhouse food (possibly my favorite food, ever), and after a handful of phonecalls and driving up and down Piedmont, we finaly found the place. Dinner was delicious. We ordered California rolls and tekka maki (spicy tuna sushi) and miso soup for appetizers. There's a soup that a place in Dothan called Mikata serves, and I've been trying desperately to find its equivalent . . . have not yet suceeded. For dinner, James and I each had hibachi steaks, and for dessert had cake and green tea. It was delish. The name of the restuarant is Nikato, and it's really pretty, and the servers wear kimonos. I was loving it. Even better? Dinner was only $40, and there was valet service ( I tipped).

I love sushi. I would be fine with eating it every day.

For breakfast I made blueberry muffins. Afterwards I searched for a plane ticket online, which my grandfather (my dad's dad; my mom's dad is dead) has offered to pay for. My grandmother (my mom's mom; my dad's mom is dead) called me this morning to tell me she bought me some luggage and sent it today, so it should probably arrive by Wednesday. I thought that was awesome, because besides backpacks and this tiny blue suitcase I had when I was little, I've never really had my own luggage before. My (late) grandmother gave me a piece of luggage (bag), but it didn't hold up well; the straps and zippers broke.

Now I have to go take a bath and watch Requiem for a Dream with James, who has never seen it. Hopefull lots of people come into work this evening, Cameron's not in another pissy mood (he was yesterday), and we make loads of tips. Note to self : wear provocative clothing.

Want me to send you a postcard while I'm in Israel? Leave your address!

aigre-douce at 11:07 a.m.

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